Support in the Flood

Trials can often surge like stormwater. At times suffering will assail us like the waters of a rising flood. Our afflictions usually do not come gently. Sometimes they crash down upon us with the full force of a dam breaking loose. In these moments, it can be difficult to keep our footing. When we experience the surging flood that engulfs us, we are in need of the solid support that God offers to us through his Word. The songwriter speaks of this support in the third stanza of “The Solid Rock.”

His oath, His covenant, His blood,
Support me in the whelming flood.
When all around my soul gives way,
He then is all my hope and stay.

In the midst of the whelming flood, we can find a sure and steadfast support in God’s character, his Word, and his promise. The psalmist speaks of this support in Psalm 119:89-96.

Forever, O Lord, your word
is firmly fixed in the heavens.
Your faithfulness endures to all generations;
you have established the earth, and it stands fast.
By your appointment they stand this day,
for all things are your servants.
If your law had not been my delight,
I would have perished in my affliction.
I will never forget your precepts,
for by them you have given me life.
I am yours; save me,
for I have sought your precepts.
The wicked lie in wait to destroy me,
but I consider your testimonies.
I have seen a limit to all perfection,
but your commandment is exceedingly broad.  

God’s Character Is Unchanging

The psalmist begins with a very important word. Forever. God is eternal. He is everlasting and has no beginning or end. God is forever. We also learn of the eternality of God’s Word. Because God’s Word was breathed out by God, his Word is also eternal and fixed. Because God can never change, his words will never change. Here we find a sure support in the midst of the storm and flood. God and his Word are sure and unchanging. God’s words will never pass away (Matthew 24:35). We can find rest for our souls in the eternal nature and Word of God knowing that his Word and promise will never fail.

God’s faithfulness extends to all people, in all times, and in all places. His faithfulness is not limited to one people or to one generation, but he freely bestows favor upon all who believe in him. He is faithful to uphold all who worship him in spirit and in truth. Because God is eternal and exists outside of time, his faithfulness extends to all people at all times. He is also omnipotent—all powerful (Hebrews 1:3). He has established the earth. He spoke this entire universe into being by the words of his mouth, and all of its molecules hold together by the Word of his divine power.

Because we recognize that God is eternal, that he is mighty in power, and that he is faithful to all people, we can rest secure. Our circumstances do not happen outside of his knowledge. Our circumstances are never greater than the strong might of his power. This earth stands fast because it is sustained by the all powerful hand of the one who formed and fashioned it. We can also stand fast because we are sustained by the all powerful hand of the mighty God who formed and fashioned us.

God is also sovereign. He appoints all things. The earth and the heavens stand fast because he has decreed it to be so. Nothing happens outside of his plans and purposes. All things are God’s servants. Just as his faithfulness extends to all peoples, his rule extends to all peoples and all places. God sits enthroned above the circle of the earth (Isaiah 40:21-23). He is so great, strong, mighty, and powerful that the inhabitants of the whole world look like grasshoppers before him. This God is the Lord. This God upholds all things. He works through all things, in all times, and in all places. Nothing can stop his sovereign rule and decree.

Because we recognize that nothing happens outside of the sovereign control of God, we can rest secure. Your current circumstances do not take God by surprise. The pain that you are walking through did not blindside God. Instead, he is sovereignly working through it for your good and for his glory. Our trials teach us how little we know and invite us to throw ourselves fully upon the faithfulness, steadfastness, and sovereignty of our good God. Charles Bridges expresses this beautifully: “We do not depend upon the earnestness of our prayers, the wisdom of our plans, or the diligence of our endeavors; but upon ‘the word’ forever settled in heaven!” This eternal and fixed Word is a sure support for your soul even as the floodwaters of suffering engulf you. Stand on the Word, for it is solid ground.

God’s Word Gives Us What We Need

Because we recognize that God’s Word is fixed, immovable, steadfast, and eternal, we can find delight in it even during days of trouble. The psalmist writes from a place of deep affliction. The theme of affliction winds it way through the entirety of this great Psalm. Yet the psalmist wrenches his eyes from his circumstances and casts them upward to the mighty God who sits enthroned above the circle of the earth. As his gaze is directed heavenward to this incomparable One who sustains all things, his heart finds true delight. It is God’s Word that gives us the strength to stand in the whelming flood. It is God’s Word that sustains our souls in times of trial and trouble.

Trials teach us how weak we are and how strong God is (2 Corinthians 1:8-11). Trials reveal our hearts and show us who we really are, taking us beyond who we thought we were. As we walk through times of hardship, we learn that while we are weak, he is strong. Recognizing our weakness teaches us that we cannot rely on ourselves. Suffering teaches us to look upward to this glorious One who provides all that we need so our faith will not fail. Our weaknesses teach us that God is infinitely and incomprehensibly strong. God does not send us affliction because he desires to see us perish but to teach us to rely on him. When you are too weak to stand, cast yourself upon the strength and grace of God.

In times of affliction, we must be careful to remember God’s Word. So often the enemy will use trials to drive us away from God and inward to ourselves. He doesn’t want us to remember God and all of his great works. He wants us to be overwhelmed by our circumstances and give up hope. Yet in the midst of difficulties, even when the floodwaters engulf us, we must remember God’s Word. We must be careful not to forget the promises of God because God’s Word gives us life (1 Peter 1:3-5). Jesus, the very Word of life himself, has raised our souls from the dead and breathed eternal life into us. So we cling fast to this Word that is life to us. We cling fast to this Word of God because in it we behold a living hope that is ours forever. When all around your soul gives way, let the Word of God be life to you. God’s Word holds this whole universe together, and his Word also holds us together. When your spirit is distressed within you, look to this unmovable and unshakable God who sustains all things. He will strengthen and uphold you in your time of greatest need.

God Makes Us His Own

This God who firmly fixed the heavens, whose faithfulness endures to all generations, who has established the earth, who appoints all things, and who rules over all things—this God reaches down to us and makes us his own. We can lift up our hands to this mighty and sovereign God who rules and reigns over all things and say with full assurance, “I am yours!” God has called us by name (Isaiah 43:1-3a). We do not need to fear because we are his. He walks with us and dwells within us. He is our Savior, our sustainer, our provider, our support, and the lifter of our heads. So don’t fear. You are his. He has saved you.

The psalmist’s circumstances have not changed. He continues to face the threats of those who wish to bring him harm. Yet he continues to walk in the way of the Lord, to think on truth, and to preach God’s Word to himself in the midst of difficulty. God’s Word does not change our circumstances. But God’s Word changes our perspective in the midst of our circumstances. Seek God’s Word as your refuge and place of safety even as you walk through difficulty. Don’t fear. He is with you. His Word and power preserves you. You are his.

The brokenness of the world around us teaches us that this earth is tainted and its perfection is limited. The limits of perfection in this world should point us to the limitless perfection of our almighty God. This world is not sufficient. It is flawed and broken. Seeing the insufficiency of this world should lead our hearts to be satisfied with the all surpassing sufficiency of Christ. Charles Bridges states it well: “The world brings emptiness. The commandments of God bring fullness.” The fullness, breadth, and depth of God’s love for us is ultimately seen in Christ who bore the full penalty of our imperfection and instead offers us the fullness of himself. Nothing in all of creation can separate us from this broad and far-reaching love of God in Christ (Romans 8:38-39). His perfection and faithfulness extends beyond all imperfection, all difficulty, all hardship, and all earthly imperfection.

Find Rest

You have a sure and steadfast support in the midst of the whelming flood. When all around you falls away, the promises of God are firm ground beneath your feet. So find rest today. Rest in the knowledge of who God is and what he does. He is eternally faithful to his children. Rest in the treasure of God’s Word. Everything you need is found within this good Word. Rest in the promise that you are his own. He will not abandon or forsake you in your time of greatest need. He walks with you, upholds you, and gives you life.


  1. How have God’s promises supported you in days of trouble?
  2. How does knowledge of God’s eternality, faithfulness, and sovereignty give you hope?
  3. Why is it easy to neglect God’s Word? How might your devotion to God’s Word look different if you truly viewed it as your source of life?
  4. Where are you looking to the world for fullness? How do you need to look to Christ instead?