Hi! Welcome to The Clinging Vine. My name is Liana Berrus, and I am thrilled that you have joined me on this little corner of the web. I am married to Josh who serves as a pastor in Raleigh, NC. We are parents to two children, Bailey and Drew, through the miracle of adoption. My favorite things are hanging out with my hubby, reading, writing, drinking copious amounts of coffee, and talking about theology.

The Clinging Vine exists to equip women to cling to God through learning and doing the Word. I have named this blog after the meaning of my own name: a clinging vine. Throughout the years, my life verse has been Psalm 63:8–“My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me.” Growing up, I remember my parents telling me that their prayer for me was that I would live up to my name and be a woman who clings to God. As I have grown older, the desire of my heart echoes their own. I truly want to be a woman who clings to God above all else, who looks to him as her support, and who finds strength to be upheld by God alone.

It is my heart’s desire that this space would be used as a place to keep me accountable to cling to God, and that others would join me in that pursuit. Here you will find encouragement, truth, and hope. Let’s together be women whose souls cling to God and who find their strength and support in him alone.